Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Just Keep Creating

I often find myself in creative slumps that can last up to half a year. 
When that feeling sneaks up on me again I've been switching media. 
It has really helped.
My house looks like a craft supply edition of Hoarders, but I'm happy.

So these are far from my greatest achievements, but 
they all taught me something.

first attempts with my kanzashi template
handmade eco craft basket pin cushion

pot of gold treats for son's class

I have to say the St. Patty's treats were inspired by a pin.
I however used $1 gold sprinkles instead of $7 sprinkles and 
chocolate chips instead of chocolate candy melts. 
The kids didn't seem to mind.
I even got a thanks from the teacher. That's never happened before.

So just keep doesn't have to be perfect.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hunger Games District 2 Challenge

I will never deny having an obsessive personality.

Sticking with things till I overcome them,

spending way way too long focused on a task &

constantly seeking to do or learn more about what I'm focused on

are all traits that have brought way more good to my life than bad.

So when I recently read the entire Twilight trilogy in a week then 
read the Hunger Games in half that it was not a new experience for me.

This time the second Hunger Games movie was available when I finished so I thought why not.
It's always fun to compare my imagination to that of the movie makers.

Then I get online and run across a blog challenge for Hunger Games.
So of course I'm in.

Here's the inspiration Charlie provided for District 2:
Maybe I was suppose to make jewelry, but 
here's what I made.
Living in Japan I have access to eco-craft tape 
which comes in rolls of 12-14 tiny stands of rolled recycled paper 
adhered together into long strips.
Most people use it for basket making though this one was designed to be a purse.
Sadly my son loved it, and stole it before I ever got to use it though.
Even though it's paper it's surprisingly strong and durable.
If anyone knows of a US supplier PLEASE let me know.
I love this stuff, but know that no matter how much I take back with me I'll want more.

I thought I remembered reading that District 2 mined gemstones, but I was probably mistaken. 
Anyway, catching up on Game of Thrones with my husband led to the addition of the sapphire blue.  Anyone remember the whole bit about the Sapphire Isles?
It's surprising how easily my designs adapt to what's going on around me.
Alrighty, if you want to join the fun next month for District 3 visit the source of this clever challenge.

Thanks Charlie!