No matter how long we're apart my blog continues to call to me. Once again in a new environment without a crafty group to create with I've signed up for another blog hop. Super excited as always. While we wait for partner announcements, and I wait on my belongings to arrive from the other side of the world. Let me share a bit about myself.
My spouse's job dictates that we move every 3ish years. Just after Christmas we landed in mainland Japan. First impression: it's cold! I haven't experienced winter in about 7 years. So I am freezing and my skin looks like the surface of a desert, but I find something new each and every day.
As in life I am always up for new challenges. Over the course of many blog hops and swaps I've stretched my limits of skill and taste in beadwork. There is no longer anything I don't work with. I'm sure I've yet to work with certain shaped beads as they seem to create two new ones each time I sleep. I love all colors now though I've always been drawn to blues, metallics and coral. If I had to pick a favorite bead it would be anything in 11/0 also called size 11 seed beads. I love peyote so they are a go to for me.
I wish I had pictures of any recent work, but with an international move I haven't been beading. Soon all my pretties will be here and the world be right again for another 3ish years. Take care Loves. You'll hear from me again soon.
My blog has been neglected for more instantaneous forms of communications. If you enjoy Instagram you can find my adventures here: Instagram @lilmummyg